Thursday, June 18, 2009

Reading, Walking, Arithmetic

I’m a freak. I like to walk and read (simultaneously). I did this a lot in college, walking to and from class. And I’ve recently been at it again. To me, it’s a great way to combine two activities for which it can be very difficult to make time - leisure reading and exercise. People ask me about it all the time, and they can’t get over the fact that I’m “so coordinated”. I can tell some people want me to stop doing it. They really can’t stand it that I read and walk at the same time, and they don’t like it when I do it. I’ve had some close calls (dogs, parked cars, low-hanging tree limbs), but it’s my thing; get over it. When I hurt myself doing it, I’ll let you know and we’ll both have a laugh. Shoot, it can't be any worse than texting and walking. Or, better yet - texting and driving! I found this picture in another blog on the topic.

I am reading Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.

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