Friday, May 8, 2009


I am reading up on ChiRunning, and trying to learn how to run again. The goal is to run injury-free. I am signed up to run another Half Marathon (Hickory Charity Chase) on June 6, and I won't be ready in the way that I'd like to be ready, but I'm going to participate anyway (registration gets you two tickets to that evening's baseball game, afterall).

I'm tired of having shin splints - pain in my shin so severe that I have worried that my tibia is going to snap (I've seen a doctor about it - a sports medicine doctor, not a psychologist, although that might be the next best step:)). I've also had knee and foot pain, but nothing that compared, really.

ChiRunning teaches you to run with perfect posture and to lean into your run. You lean from your ankles while keeping perfect posture, relaxing your entire body, and using the backswing of your arms and legs to counter that forward lean. It's hard (because I'm not sure I know what I'm doing), but I think it will get better. I do feel like I'm starting all over again from scratch with my running, but I'm optimistic. I'm willing to try this because I really love running and am not willing to give it up without a fight. ...A gentle, prance-like fight, with good posture and a relaxed lean, that is.

I ran 4 miles on the high school track last night. Running on the track is infinitely more fun than running on a treadmill, but it still doesn't compare to Evans Street with it's unique homes, friendly faces, and blooming landscape. There was a couple with their child in a stroller out there with me on the track, run/walking. It was a nice time.

I am pictured here near the finish of the Yuengling Shamrock Half Marathon on March 22, 2009.

I'm so inspired by every runner I see out there! Run on!

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