Tuesday, May 19, 2009


"It is the plant of patience and solitude, love and madness, ugliness and beauty, toughness and gentleness. Of all plants, surely God made the cactus in his own image."
-Dr. Von Vollenstein from The Power of One, by Bryce Courtenay

I say "cactuses", not "cacti", and I think I'm allowed to do that. Pictured here are the cactuses that I started from seed. They have been growing for one year!!! [matches for scale]

Pictured here are the members of my little succulent garden, including moon cactus, alpenglow, elephant bush, Echeveria 'Dondo' and 'Ramillette'? - I could be wrong about these names, but that's what I think they are. And as long as they continue to be so enchanting, I'm thinking it doesn't matter what they're called.

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